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Toxic relationship is any relationship between people who don't support each other, where there's conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there's competition,where there's disrespect and lack of cohesiveness.

While every relationship goes through ups and downs, toxic relationship is consistently unpleasant and draining for the people in it to the point that negative moments outweigh and outnumber the positive ones.

Some students do not recognize the signs that point towards a toxic relationship and unconsciously continue to endure,other refuse to leave toxic relationship because they fear being alone or unloved.

As a result of staying in unhealthy relationship many death cases have been reported;

In 2015, a second year student at Kabianga university was accused of stabbing his campus girlfriend to death in a love Triangle which left many in shock.

In January the same year, a fourth-year female student at Mount Kenya university confessed to killing her boyfriend by stabbing him for being unfaithful.

Even though most people focus on future careers, students must focus on their future relationships as well

Students must help each other in escaping toxic relationship. The signs must be recognised and need to be stopped.

According to Kim Storm, a counsellor at ULM, it is not easy to leave a toxic relationships involves family members or spouse, that are difficult to cut off.

If you have a toxic friend, you may need to simply reduce the time you spend with him/her and when the toxic person is a family member, it may also be possible to encourage that person to get into therapy which is often needed to solve the underlying issue behind the toxicity.

1. Dr.Lillian Glass,Book Toxic People,1995
2. The standard newspaper,July 6th 2017


  1. Well said.... You have given me what I needed the most... Thanks.

  2. The content is flowing as it supposed to

  3. well stated πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. am waiting to see you on the screen jirani^Isaac

  5. Thanks for not Mentioning my name. Awesome though πŸ˜‚


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